#14 "Shudder"
you bring that sentence in for a fitting,
I can have it shortened by Wednesday."
--Hawkeye, M*A*S*H
("The Gun")
Bellamy Lucas |
Anna Bellamy Lucas has appeared previously on
Right Hand Pointing. She belongs to the Green River Writers group based
in Louisville, KY and the Kentucky State Poetry Society.
This is her third appearance with us. She has recent work in The
Heartland Review. She deserves a medal for putting up with a major episode
of confusion by the editor.
Colin James |
Colin James has had poems published
recently in The Hazmat Review, The American Drivel Review, and 88. He has
worked in Energy Conservation for over twenty years. He is a great admirer of
the Scottish landscape artist, John Mackenzie and encourages art lovers to
check out John's work on the Internet
Doug Draime |
Doug Draime began
publishing in the underground and small press in the late 1960's, while living
in Los Angeles. Most recent book in print is Unoccupied Zone (Pitchfork
Press, 2004). An online chap, Spleen was published in 2005 by Poetic
Inhalation. And forthcoming from Scintillating Publications, Spiders And
Madmen. His poems, short stories, and plays have appeared in hundreds of
magazines, underground newspapers, and online journals worldwide. Doug is a
regular contributor here.
Erin Tarica |
Erin Tarica is a
writer, collage artist, teacher and doula. Erin has a double masters in Social
Work and Jewish Communal Service and has extensive experience in helping
people become more aware of meaning in their lives. Living her dream life in
San Francisco, she currently writes and teaches workshops throughout the Bay
Howie Good |
Howie Good, a journalism professor at
SUNY New Paltz, is the author of the poetry chapbook, Death of the Frog
Prince (FootHills Publishing, 2004). His poems have appeared in numerous
journals and e-zines, including 2River View, Stirring, Lily, Plum Ruby
Review, Wilmington Blues, The Rose & Thorn, and Prairie Poetry,
the latter drawing on his North Dakota background. Howard's a regular here.
There's no denying it. We've been able to publish Howard's work
J.D. Smith |
J. D. Smith's second book, Settling
for Beauty, was published in 2005, and his work has appeared online in Hiss
Quarterly, Innisfree Poetry and Terrain. He was recently awarded a
Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Kristine Ong Muslim |
Kristine Ong Muslim has more than
three hundred stories and poems published and forthcoming in mostly genre
magazines and anthologies in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. Her poems
have been published or will appear in Adbusters, Bleeding Quill, Dicey
Brown, Eleventh Transmission, GUD Magazine, Her Circle Ezine, Megaera, The
Pedestal Magazine, The Scruffy Dog Review, Skyline E-Magazine, T-Zero, and
Lalo Fox |
Lalo Fox, once the poetry editor of
Ink Pot, is now one of three Janitors on Duty at
The Hiss Quarterly, and is among the
pseudonymous gang at
TQR (Total Quality Reading). He has very few publishing credits;
instead, he stays busy giving them to others.
Margot Miller |
Margot Miller has studied a lot (M.A.
in Counseling, M.A. and Ph.D in French literature). She has also gardened a
lot, at great expense in fact, renovated and decorated at even greater
expense, launched two children successfully—worth every penny, taught French
and Psychology—rewarding each in its own way, written and published—academic
and creative work—the latter is the most fun. Miller divides her time between
the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay and the Okanagan Valley in British
Columbia . Her creative work (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) has appeared in or
is currently featured/forthcoming in ChickFlicks Ezine, Write Side Up, A
Long Story Short, Subtle Tea, LitDispatch, Moonlit Thoughts (dogma
publications, UK - print), Static Movement, and BluePrint Journal.
She is a submissions editor at
Mark Cunningham |
Mark Cunningham received an MFA from
the University of Virginia, and still lives in the Charlottesville area.
Poems have appeared in a number of magazines, including Paragraph,
BathHouse and previously on Right Hand Pointing. A selection of
poems on parts of the body is on the Mudlark website. His e-chapbook,
Second Story, appears
elsewhere on Right Hand Pointing.
Francis Masat |
After 36 years as a Professor in the Midwest
and Northeast, Francis Masat lives in tropical Key West with his wife
Carol and their cats. His work appears in over 60 literary publications
worldwide, including A Little Poetry, flashquake, Gin Bender Rev., Loch
Raven Rev., Nisqually Delta Rev., Pedestal, Pegasus, Perigee, Presence, Stylus
Poetry J., and The Blue House.
Patrick Revere |
Patrick Revere is a print news
journalist in West Michigan and the unpublished author of an untold number of
poems, several short stories and a novel.
Pete Lee
Pete Lee's former occupations include
army sergeant / counterintelligence agent, federal intelligence operations
specialist, private investigator, newspaper reporter, and social worker. His
poetry has been widely published, both in print and on-line.
Rohith Sundararaman |
Rohith Sundararaman lives in Bombay,
India. His work has appeared in eclectica, elimae, edifice wrecked, GUD
and elsewhere. He is 22 years old and is studying to enter the corporate
Paul Sohar |
Paul Sohar got to expand his literary
activities when he went on disability from a job with a drug firm. The results
have slowly crept into Chelsea, Chiron, Grain, Hunger, Kenyon Review,
Partisan Review, Rattle, Seneca Review, etc, and seven books of
translations from the Hungarian. And now a volume of his own poetry, Homing
Poems, is available from Iniquity press.
Kat Lemmons |
Kat Lemmons has contributed both
visual art and poetry to Right Hand Pointing and she made the cover for
our next issue. So, we're all about Kat Lemmons up in here. Here work is
on the web here.
Kirsten Anderson |
Kirsten Anderson lives in Los Angeles.
Her short stories and poems have appeared in Defenestration, Illya's
Honey, Apollo's Lyre, and The Smoking Poet.
Timothy Gager |
Timothy Gager is the author of
Short Street and Twenty-Six Pack, both collections of short fiction
and the e-book, The Damned Middle. His first book of poetry, The
same corner of the Bar, is available through Ibbetson Street Press and his
most recent, We Needed A Night Out, was released in 2006. His short
stories appeared in Word Riot, Midnight Mind Magazine, Scene Boston,
Theive's Jargon, The Insights Anthology, VerbSap, Swankwriting (83 Words),
Story Garden and Write This Magazine. Timothy's poetry has been
published in The Ibbetson Street Journal, Poems for All, Erato, Poetry Life
and Times, Spare Change, The Somerville News, Generation X National
Journal,High Horse, Third Lung Review, 63 Channels and Poesy XXIV.
His poetry has been nominated for two Cambridge Poetry Awards. Timothy lives in Dedham, Massachusetts
and is employed as a social worker.
Chris Major |
Chris Major lives in Staffs, England.
His poetry has appeared in a number of print UK magazines and on line recently
at Zygote, Snakeskin, High Horse, Poetry Kit, Lily, Stirring, Can We Have
Our Ball Back?, Out of Order, Spent Meat, and others. He's been
published here before and we're glad to have him back.
Brian Beatty |
Brian Beatty's jokes, poems and
stories have appeared in numerous print and online publications, including
Conduit, elimae, Exquisite Corpse, Gulf Coast, Juked, McSweeney's Internet
Tendency, Milk, Monkeybicycle, Opium, The Quarterly, The Rake and Yankee
Pot Roast.
Ira Joel Haber |
Ira Joel Haber was born and lives in
Brooklyn New York. He is a sculptor, painter, book dealer and teacher who
sometimes writes poetry and movie reviews. His work has been seen in numerous
group shows both in USA and Europe and he has had 9 one man shows including
several retrospectives of his sculpture. His work is in the collections of New
York University, The Guggenheim Museum, The Hirshhorn Museum & The
Albright-Knox Art Gallery. His paintings, drawings & collages have been
published in many on line magazines including Rock Heals, Otoliths, Winamop,
Melancholia's Tremulous Dreadlocks, Barfing Frog, The Raving Dove, Foliate
Oak, Siren, Prose Toad, Triplopia,Thieves Jargon, Opium, Dirt,The Centrifugal
Eye & the DMQ Review. Over the years he has received three
National Endowments For The Arts Fellowship, two Pollock-Krasner grants and
most recently in 2004 received The Adolph Gottlieb Foundation grant. Currently
he teaches art at the United Federation of Teachers Retiree Program in
Josh Maday |
Josh Maday lives, works and dies in
Saginaw, Michigan. His work has been published in Thieves Jargon, Opium
Magazine, Outsider Ink, and The Binnacle. And he fully intends to
read all those books on his shelves.
Brianne Killoran |
Since obtaining her BFA in Creative Writing
from Roger Williams University, Brianne Killoran has been employed in
various library settings. Among many programming responsibilities, she
teaches young writers groups and poetry workshops. Her
poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in such publications as SunShine
Press's Tree Magic, Green Silk Journal, and Ocean Magazine.
Claudia Ryan |
Claudia Ryan is a graduate of the MFA
program in drawing and painting at the University of South Florida in
Tampa. She is now teaching art in middle school where the kids chew pencils
like crazy. She forgets what no.2 pencils taste like but a friend just
reminded me of their irresistable, pungent, chemical taste.
Stella Brice |
Stella Brice received her degree in
English Lit. from Rice University; & has worked, variously, as housecleaner,
tarot reader & performance artist. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming
in Frank, Total Abandon, Fine Madness, Southern
Poetry Review, the anthology of border poetry Tierra Cruzada/Crossed
Land & many others. She is a winner of the John Z. Bennet Prize & is
co-editor of the literary journal Art Club. Her first collection of
poems Green Lion was released in the spring of 2005.
Carolyn Adams |
Carolyn Adams is a regular contributor
to Right Hand Pointing and it turns out we are planning to present her
art e-chapbook in a month or two. She is a writer, artist, and editor.
Eric Burke |
Eric Burke lives and works as a
computer programmer in Columbus, Ohio. He has recently had poems in
elimae, Poems Niederngasse Online, Spillway Review, and Alba, and visual art on
Right Hand Pointing. I think it was Issue 11.
Darrell B. Grayson |
Darrell B. Grayson resides on Death
Row at Holman Correctional in Atmore, Alabama. His poems have appeared
previously on RHP and elsewhere. He has published three chapbooks, the
most recent of which,
House, appears on the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature
website. Darrell is Chairman of
Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty.

All rights reserved. All poems, fiction,
articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international
copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the
expressed permission of the author or artist.