Lobsters, brown and blue– crustacean
pioneers to the Rockies who’d survived
a plane trip locked in a green cooler wrapped
tight in duct tape– meet their end in a boiling pot
before the wide eyes of Brandy and Tanya Sue.
Magically, once the metallic scraping ends,
they are pulled out red to join the rest of the feast
elk burgers, cherries jubilee, berries as sweet
and pink as the meat discovered in cracked shells
like Christmas presents unwrapped by missionary
children, ordinary things made exotic by location.

Helen R. Peterson,
managing editor of Chopper Poetry Journal, also co-editing a special
New London issue of Fell Swoop with Tom Weigel, due out next year.
Hopefully. Also published in Poetrybay, Pedestal Magazine, the now
defunct Images Inscript, Elimae and in Fell Swoop's recent "Eventual
Issue", and work forthcoming in Haruah, Zygote in My Coffee,
Debris Magazine, Literary Fever, and in the Lunch Break Anthology by
Poet Plant Press
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