Hi. How
are you doing?
RHP has come a long way in a few short
years. 16 issues, plus the
unnumbered specials and e-chapbooks.
We've built up a bit of a load of
work here. In fact, if you
calculate all the pages, and approximate
the area of each page on an
average computer screen, the number of
right hand pointing screens
would cover an area the size of one
football field plus 3/4 of an
Olympic-sized swimming pool. And,
both the football field and the
swimming pool would be really orange and
that would freak everybody out
which would be, you know, a bonus
This current issue and the one before it
have been larger than I would
like. Now, why is this?
Ideally, I would like these issues
to contain about, oh, 15 poems, two or
three pieces of flash fiction,
and an art thing. We're getting a
lot of poem submissions and, in
fact, I've had to hire a bunch of
readers to help. Well, I mean
"hire" in the sense of, uh, not paying
them. Soon, I'll compile
their names and give them credit, but in
the meantime, hey, they are
all Anonymous Chic. I accept about
40% of the poems I get,
although I accept SOMETHING from about
65% of the people who submit
poems. One could argue that I'm
taking too much poetry and not
being choosy enough. But, what can
I say, I publish the stuff I
like and I like a lot of the stuff I
get. I think, also, we
benefit from a nice little word o' mouth
What's happened with the last 2 issues
is that I accept work as I get it
(and like it) and then I'm "HOLY
CRAP! I've accepted 35 poems!"
So, I'm keeping now a running
count and hope to have a shorter
issue the next couple of times.
We could, of course, publish more
frequently, but I really can't on
account of having a job.
So, that leaves me with turning
away work that I like in favor
of work I like more. That may
be the way to go, although it
grieves me a little. I kind of
like the raw and unschooled stuff.
Maybe I'll keep that
and ditch some of the work by smart people.
I hope you
enjoy the issue. If it is too big
for you, grab a snack in the middle and
watch that TV show about crab