RHP #21
"Ill Fever"
"Those who write clearly have
readers, those who write obscurely have commentators."
--Albert Camus
Howie Good |
Howie Good, a journalism professor at the State University
of New York at New Paltz, is the author of three poetry
chapbooks, Death of the Frog Prince (2004) and
Heartland (2007), both from FootHills Publishing, and
Strangers & Angels
(2007) from Scintillating Publications. He was
recently nominated for the second time for a Pushcart Prize.
Howie is a regular contributor to RHP. The poem in this issue is
taken from his upcoming Right Hand Pointing e-chapbook,
Police & Questions.
Brooklyn Copeland |
Brooklyn Copeland was born in Indianapolis in 1984. She has also lived
in Florida and throughout Northern Europe. Her chapbook, The Milk for
Free (2008) is available electronically from Scantily Clad Press. She
co-edits Taiga Press, which includes the print journal Taiga and the
Tundra Chapbook Series.
CL Bledsoe |
Bledsoe is the author of a forthcoming collection, Anthem.
His most recent published collection is _____ (want/need). He is an editor for
Cleo Fellers Kocol |
Cleo Fellers Kocol
recently read her poetry and presented her drama at the Steven
Allen Theater in Hollywood, giving the same show in Honolulu,
Roseville, and Washington, D.C. She writes a monthly column for
the Sacramento Bee about poetry and poets. She has a poem in the
new anthology wedding science and creativity, RIFFING ON STRiNGS,
a compilation of essays, stories, drama and poetry all based on
string theory. The book is now available in bookstores and at
Amazon.com on the interwebs.
Clifford Garstang |
Clifford Garstang
used to be an international lawyer, but now he lives and writes in the
Shenanodah Valley. His work has appeared in numerous literary magazines and
he blogs at
Danny Birchall |
Danny Birchall
lives in London, where he writes poetry and short fiction. His work has
previously appeared in nthposition and Mechanics Institute Review.
Corey Mesler |
Corey Mesler
has published in
numerous journals and anthologies. His novel, Talk: A Novel in Dialogue,
was released in 2002. His second novel, We Are Billion-Year-Old Carbon,
came out in January 2006. He has also published numerous chapbooks and one
full-length poetry collection, Some Identity Problems. He has been
nominated for a Pushcart numerous times, and one of his poems was chosen for
Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. With his wife, he runs Burke’s Book
Store in Memphis TN. He can be found at
J. A. Tyler |
other publications, J. A. Tyler has recent work in
Pindeldyboz, Feathertale Review, Thieves Jargon, Underground
Voices, & Word Riot. His debut novella is forthcoming from
Ghost Road Press in 2009. He is also founding editor of
the online literary review Mud Luscious.
William Hall |
William Hall thinks his short attention span might be a byproduct of
excess television during youth.
David Kowalczyk |
Kowalczyk lives and writes in Tempe, Arizona. He has taught English in
South Korea and Guatemala, as well as in several colleges in the USA,
including Arizona State His work has appeared in five anthologies and over
fifty magazines, including Maryland Review, Bogg, St. Ann's Review,
and California Quarterly. He is the former editor of Gentle
Strength Quarterly.
Jon Ballard |
Ballard's work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Valparaiso
Poetry Review, Boxcar Poetry Review, Melee, Third Wednesday, Broadsided
and many others. He is the author of two chapbooks: Lonesome (Pudding
House, 2007) and Sad Town (Maverick Duck Press, 2007). A third
chapbook, Trees Make You Think of Other Things, is forthcoming from
Foothills Publishing in 2008. A Michigan native, he currently lives in
Mexico City, Mexico.
Adam Stoves |
Stoves' most recent work challenges the concept of contextualization.
Relative to the way the mind categorizes and stores what a person might deem
important, his work refers to subjects taken out of context, or out of "real
time." These subjects are then mounted into subjective environments. While
stripping these images of associations based on context, he investigates the
motion, action, and physicality with which individuals involve themselves in
their surroundings. The equally ambiguous drawn forms accompanying the
collaged photographs are responses to the figurative posing of the
individual. These marks are an intuitive response to the relationship
between the figure and its new surroundings. His process of redefining the
figure and its location stems from questioning how individuals distance
themselves from reality. The dichotomy between being physically present
while the mind is disengaged is
a common and ongoing theme in his work. He creates similar conditions as
individuals are removed from a definitive place, and cast into a
theoretical, and often fantastical, situation.
Doug Draime |
Doug Draime has
been a presence in the 'underground' and small press since
the late 1960's. He was part of the notorious Los Angeles
poetry scene of the latter 20th century. He has a recent
e-chapbook here on RHP,
Speed of
Light. Also recent: Last May (Kendra Steiner
Editions). Forthcoming, Dancing On The Skids from
Tainted Coffee Press. His diverse range of writing,
including poems, short stories, and plays continue to appear
in publications world wide. He lives in Oregon where he
contributes frequently to these pages.
Heather Overby |
Heather Overby is currently an MFA candidate at Washington University in
St. Louis. She lives down the street in University City with her two dogs.
She is co-curator of the reading series Exploding Swan and has work
forthcoming from Best of Wicked Alice, 2007 and Admit 2.
Jill Sherman |
Sherman is a writer, editor, and amateur time traveler. She was last
known to reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota, although we can't locate her in
the present.
John Haggerty |
John Haggerty is a pale and emaciated man living in California, a
place that does not shower affection on the pale and emaciated. On the
plus side, he has a lovely and graceful wife and a curiously non-violent
Kyle Hemmings |
Hemmings recently finished his MFA degree in creative writing and
loves to cook, bake, and usually burns whatever her cooks or bakes. He
lives in New Jersey and listens to The Beach Boys singing of an endless
Tom Sheehan |
Sheehan’s Epic Cures, short stories from Press 53, won a 2006
IPPY Award. A Collection of Friends, Pocol Press, was nominated for
Albrend Memoir Award. He has nine Pushcart and two Million Writer
nominations, a Silver Rose Award from American Renaissance for the
Twenty-first Century (ART) and the Georges Simenon Award for Excellence in
Fiction. He served in 31st Infantry Regiment, Korea, 1951. He meets again
soon for a lunch/gab session with pals, the ROMEOs, Retired Old Men Eating
Out, 92/79/78. They’ve co-edited two books on their hometown of Saugus, MA,
sold 3500 to date of 4500 printed. His pals will each have one martini,
he’ll have three beers, and the waitress will shine on them.
Thomas Edwards |
Edwards is a technological artist living in Los Angeles, CA. His work
seeks to explore the interface between people and electronic machines, often
by encouraging true interaction between them. Edwards was formally trained
as an electrical engineer, worked in the Web and Internet streaming media
industries, and currently works for a major television network on advanced
broadcast video technology projects. His website is
All rights reserved. All poems, fiction,
articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international
copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the
expressed permission of the author or artist.