Evelyn Stecher
was born in Los Angeles
in 1924. When she moved to Northern California in 1995 she
began writing poetry seriously. She has received
recognition for her work from ByLine Magazine, the
California State Poetry Society and the California
Federation of Chaparral Poets, through their monthly
contests. She lives in Sun City Lincoln Hills and has also
won awards in the Annual Voices of Lincoln poetry contest
and the Nevada County Fair and has had work published in the
Sacramento Bee.
Jim Benz lives in Minneapolis with his wife, two
cats, and a dog.
Bill Cook
lives in a rural area in
Southern California's High Desert, and has stories published
in VerbSap, Juked, The Summerset Review, Thieves Jargon and
Tin Parachute Postcard Review.
Greg Gerke
currently lives in Buffalo. His work has appeared in
Fourteen Hills, Pedestal Magazine, Pindeldyboz, Hobartpulp,
Eyeshot, elimae, and others. He will soon publish a book of
short fiction at Blaze Vox Books. His website is
T. Birdsall
enjoys jumping through hoops, damaging livers, and shooting
evil glances waywardly. At the present, Matthew is writing
something, but he has nothing to write on or with. He
would like very much to borrow a pencil.
Joshua Bouchard
a student earning his degrees in English and Philosophy at
Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario. The subject matter
of his works range from momentary experiences of insight to
absolutely benign and useless observations. Joshua enjoys
cooking bacon naked and cigarettes. He is 21 years old.
Michael Estabrook
says "Over the years I have published 15 chapbooks and
appeared in some terrific poetry magazines, but you are only
as good as your next poem and like a surfer searching for
that perfect wave, I am a poet prowling for that perfect
poem. Right now I am looking for that perfect poem in my
wife, who just happens to be the most beautiful woman (and
person) I have ever known. If I find it anywhere I’ll find
it in her."
Charles Lennox
has stories published in or forthcoming from Vestal Review,
Sir! and Monkeybicycle. He lives in California and wears
flip flops as often as possible.
Bruce Jewett
in and out of poetry as if it were a detox. He is not
widely published but enjoys readings at Waverlie Writers and
the Not Yet Dead Poets Society on the San Francisco
Peninsula. He works as a poofreader for a national
Skippy the Hostile Giraffe in the short-lived television
series "Jungle Animal Retired Comptrollers." This is
his debut as an artist specializing is the destruction of
antiquated telecommunication equipment. He lives in
Tempe, Arizona where he destroys antiquated
telecommunication equipment.
Steve Mitchell
and works in North Carolina. He has published fiction and
poetry in the Adirondack Review, Kakalak 2008,
edificeWRECKED, The Taj Mahal Review, millers pond and No
Straight Roads, among others. His plays have been performed
in various small pockets of the Universe. He has a deep
belief in the primacy of doubt and an abiding conviction
that great wisdom informs very bad movies. Steve is open
twenty four hours a day at:
Franta Moenck
is a
grandmother who waffles between knitting and belly dancing.
lives and works just east of St Paul,
Minnesota. Her poems have appeared in print in Dogwood, Free
Verse, Snowy Egret, and Cimarron Review. Her online links
are available at
Her manuscript received Honorable Mention for the 2008 Loft
Mentor Awards.
Holly Painter
a Detroit to LA to New Zealand transplant. She studies
English at the University of Canterbury
Robert Aquino Dollesin
still a kid when he left the Philippines. He now resides in
Sacramento, where he writes short stories now and again.
Among other venues, his work can be found in or forthcoming
in Elimae, Wigleaf, Boston Literary Magazine, Storyglossia
and The Drill Press.
the owner of Avol's, a used and out-of-print book store in
Madison, WI. His poems have most recently appeared on-line
at Moria, Shampoo, and nth position.
Holly Wehmeyer
up on a farm in northern Illinois and now writes poetry in
Chicago. In an attempt to pay for her partial lake view, she
works as a tax marketing writer for an accounting firm.
Previously she worked for lawyers. She is still recovering
from this. Someday she hopes to be the poet laureate for a
small, tropical island where she will be paid in mangoes.
LouAnn Shepard Muhm
is a poet and teacher
from northern Minnesota. Her poems have appeared in
Dust & Fire,
The Talking Stick,
North Coast Review,
Red River Review,
Eclectica, Poems Niederngasse,
and CALYX, and she was a
finalist for the Creekwalker Poetry Prize (2007) and the
Late Blooms Postcard Series (2007). Muhm was a recipient of
the 2006 Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant
in Poetry, and has been featured twice in the “What Light”
poetry series on
sponsored by the McKnight Foundation and the Walker Art
Museum. She currently serves as Poetry Editor at
WomenWriters.net. Her chapbook,
Dear Immovable, was
published in 2006 by Pudding House Press, and her
full-length poetry collection Breaking the Glass was
published in May, 2008 by Loonfeather Press.Visit her on the
web at
http://www.louannmuhm.com .
