has published in numerous journals and anthologies. He has
novels, Talk:
A Novel in Dialogue(2002) and We
Are Billion-Year-Old Carbon (2006).
His first full length poetry collection, Some
Identity Problems (2008),
is out from Foothills Publishing and his book of short
stories, Listen:
29 Short Conversations, appeared in March 2009. He also
has two novels set to be published in the next year. He has
been nominated for the Pushcart Prize numerous times, and
one of his poems was chosen for Garrison Keillor’s
Writer’s Almanac. He has two children, Toby, age 20, and
Chloe, age 13. With his wife, he runs Burke’s Book Store,
one of the country’s oldest (1875) and best independent
bookstores. He also claims to have written “Your Auntie
Grizelda.” He can be found at www.coreymesler.com.
Rich Murphy
was born in Lynn, Massachusetts and received his
degree and his graduate degree in creative writing from
Boston University. He studied with the late George Starbuck
and Derek Walcott. For 21 years, he has taught writing and
literature and directed undergraduate writing programs at
Bradford and Emmanuel Colleges.
His credits include
a book of poems The Apple
in the Monkey Tree by Codhill Press; chapbooks Great
Grandfather by Pudding House Publications, Family
Secret by Finishing Line Press, and Hunting and
Pecking by Ahadada Press; poems in
Rolling Stone, Poetry, Grand Street,
Trespass, Feile-Festa, New Letters,
Pank, Segue, Big Bridge, Pemmican, foam:e,
Aesthetica, The Argotist,
West 47, Creature Magazine,
and Confrontation; and essays in Fulcrum, The
International Journal of the Humanities, Journal of the
Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning,
Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics Poetry / Literature
and Culture, Fringe, and Big Toe Review.
During his writing and
teaching career, he raised four children. He now
teaches writing at VCU and lives in Marblehead,
Massachusetts, where he is collaborating with a video artist
in a project on the creative process.
Eric Burke
born and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. After getting an
undergraduate degree in philosophy from Xavier University,
he moved north to Columbus, where he earned an MA in
classics from The Ohio State University. He remained in
Columbus and lives there still, many years later, with his
wife and family. He currently works as an IT manager. More
of his work can be found in elimae, Right
Hand Pointing, Alba, Spillway
Review, JMWW, Tipton
Poetry Journal,Otoliths, nibble, Haibun
Today and miller's
pond. Work is forthcoming in The
Driftwood Review.
All rights reserved. All poems, fiction,
articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international
copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the
expressed permission of the author or artist.