C o n t r i b u t o r s

If at first, the idea is not absurd,
then there is no hope for it.
Albert Einstein
Peter G Res
is the author of
an e-chap recently published from Differentia Press. He blogs
philosophical in New Jersey with his dog:
Carolyn Stoloff
in New York City, loves the desert, Central Park, the Metropolitan
Museum, e. e. cummings and Neruda, almost all dogs and smoked Nova
salmon. Most of her books are available through Amazon.com.
Sarah Hilary
is an
award-winning writer whose fiction appears in
Smokelong Quarterly, The Fish Anthology 2008, LITnIMAGE, Word Riot,
The Best of Every Day Fiction,
and in the Crime Writers’ Association anthology,
MO: Crimes of Practice.
A column about the wartime experiences of her mother, who was a
child internee of the Japanese, was published in the Spring 09
edition of
Bob Heman
has had
prose poems and other small proses in
Sentence, Quick Fiction, Paragraph, Caliban, First Intensity
and The
Prose Poem: An International Journal,
and online at
Otoliths, Tuesday Shorts, Mad Hatters' Review, Six Sentences
Action, Yes.
Two of his collections are available as free downloads from Quale
Press. He edits
Dawn Corrigan
has published
poems, short fiction, nonfiction and miscellany in a number of print
and online journals. She blogs at The
Nervous Breakdown and
will be acting as an associate editor for the newly revived Girls
with Insurance.
She lives on the Florida panhandle.
Zachary Stafford
in St. Paul. He writes mainly for himself, but sometimes for online
journals like
Ryan Garth Mitchell
in Las Vegas with his wife, three daughters, and his mother-in-law.
Even his family cat is female. He has only recently begun
submitting poetry for publication, and his first accepted poem
appeared in Oak
Bend Review.
He makes a living by teaching English.
Meg Pokrass
in San Francisco. Her stories and poetry have appeared or are
forthcoming here:
3AM, Keyhole, Pindeldyboz, Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Elimae,
FRiGG, Word Riot, DOGZPLOT, 971 Menu, Thieves Jargon, Eclectica,
Insolent Rudder,
The Rose & Thorn.
Meg is an editor for
SmokeLong Quarterly.
Links to her work and writing prompts can be found at
Antonia Clark
works for a medical software company in Burlington, Vermont. She
has taught creative writing and is co-administrator of an online
poetry forum,
The Waters.
Recent work can be found in
The 2River View, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, The Loch Raven
Review, The Orange Room Review, Mannequin Envy, MiPOesias, Stirring,
and elsewhere. She's having a love affair with France and plays
French café music on a sparkly purple accordion.
Rosanne Griffeth
lives on the verge of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
and spends her time writing, documenting Appalachian culture and
raising goats. Her work has been published or accepted by
Mslexia, The Potomac, Now and Then, Pank, Night Train, Keyhole
Smokelong Quarterly
among other places. She is the blogger behind
The Smokey Mountain Breakdown.
Donal Mahoney
is a
native of Chicago, lives in St. Louis, Missouri. He has worked
as an editor for
Chicago Sun-Times,
Loyola University Press and Washington University in St. Louis. He
has had poems published in or accepted by
The Wisconsin Review, The Kansas Quarterly, The South Carolina
Review, Commonweal, Revival (Ireland), The National Catholic
Reporter, The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey), Right Hand
Pointing, U.S. Catholic Magazine, Public Republic
(Bulgaria) and other publications.
F. J. Bergmann
frequents Wisconsin and fibitz.com.
Her work has recently appeared in elimae,
Farrago's Wainscot, Opium, Otoliths, six little things,
and in her third chapbook, Constellation
of the Dragonfly (Plan
B Press, 2008). One of her pseudopodia can reach all the way from
the bed to the refrigerator.
Gail White
sends poems from Bayou Teche, Louisiana.
Gail has a web presence at www.gailwhite.org.
Geordie de Boer
has “been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king …”
and received his MCP at the University of Oregon. (What's a MCP?!)
Recent poetry can be sampled at
Bird’s Eye reView, Eclectica, Peter Parasol and Offcourse; fiction
at SNReview, r.kv.r.y
Side of Grits.
Len Kuntz
on a lake in rural Washington State. His fiction appears, or is
forthcoming in such places as
elimae, Word Riot, Dogzplot, Mud Luscious, Corduroy Mtn., Shoots and
and others.
Janet Smith
work published or forthcoming in Margie, The
Cream City Review, The Valparaiso Poetry Review, Rosebud, Barnwood,
Terrain, Quay, and The
Seattle Review.
Her first published essay was nominated for a Pushcart Prize
by Fourth
Genre. Her first book of poetry, All
of a Sudden, is forthcoming from Cherry Grove. She is in the
English department at Lake Tahoe Community College, California.
has written poetry for over twenty years. Her work has been
featured most recently in
mad swirl, Anastomoo, Blinking Cursor, The Tonopah Review,
Tipton Poetry Journal, At-Large, Taj Mahal Review, Alba
also, she has work upcoming at
The Stray Branch,
a handful of stones and The Ambassador Poetry Project. Her chapbook,
was published by Leadfoot Press in 2008. A graduate of Grinnell
College with a B.A. in American Studies, she now resides in Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
Kenneth Gurney
lives in Albuquerque, NM. To learn more about
Kenneth, visit www.kpgurney.me
Larry D. Thomas
has appeared a number of times in
right hand pointing
and his work here includes an e-chapbook,
The Circus.
He was the 2008 Poet Laureate of Texas.
Timothy Raymond
grew up in southeastern Wyoming. Currently he studies contemporary
American literature at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where
he also teaches writing. His stories have appeared or are
forthcoming in
Necessary Fiction, The Owen Wister Review, The Battered Suitcase,
Word Riot,
T. Rorstrom (photos)
doesn't like things that fling poo. She does like
beer and women, together if possible.
Mather Schneider
is a cab driver in Tucson. His work has appeared in
the small press since 1995.
Rod Peckman
poetry in numerous online and print journals. He lives in the
Pacific Northwest and works for a large library system, proffering
to patrons the closest approximation to the truth he can muster.