I woke up with a sore throat.
It developed into a cough, which
later turned into a lantern.
I emanated light while eating corn
flakes. It made the milk
taste odd. Despite my light, I felt
off. I called out sick. They
said I needed a note from a doctor.
That it'd be my ass if I
didn't. I needed insurance. In
Canada they have insurance
and low murder rates. Instead
everyone dies from loneliness.
It's probably all that tundra. I
didn't want to relocate so I
borrowed my roommate's insurance. In
the waiting room,
I watched court television and grew
a moustache. I sided
with the plaintiff. By then I
developed a fever which made
my hair fall out. One day my number
was called. The doctor
smelled of Christmas. He said,
That's a bad cough. Does it burn?
I told him, I need a note. He said,
I'd be happy to, but I can't
let a blind man drive home. I had
been wondering for years
why I'd never laughed at physical
comedy. By now it had
grown dark. I said, How will I get
home? He said, open your
mouth and follow the light.