Number 3 (2004):
"The Radius of Salvation"
here to read Issue#3
Sandra Agricola
poetry |
Sandra Agricola
is the author of two collections of poetry, Master Bedroom Poems and
White Mercedes. A new chapbook, Yellow, is available from
Mercy Seat Press. Her poems have appeared in The Georgia Review,
Denver Quarterly, Awakenings Review, The Ohio Review, and elsewhere. She lives in Birmingham, Alabama. |
Doug Draime |
poetry |
Doug Draime's most recent books:
Slaves of the Harvest (Indian Heritage Publishing,
2002), Unoccupied Zone (Pitchfork Press, 2004), Spleen. an ebook,
(Poetic Inhalation, 2004). He started publishing in the small press and
underground newspapers in 1969, and his work continues to appear in publications
worldwide. He lives in Oregon. |
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal |
poetry |
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
was born in Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico). He lives in California and works in
Los Angeles. His writing has appeared in Fearless, The American
Dissident, and The New American Imagist, Cedar Hill Review, Blue Collar Review,
Chrysanthemum, Iodine, Arsenic Lobster, and in many other magazines. |
A. D. Winans |
poetry |
A. D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet
and graduate of San Francisco State University. A member of PEN, his work
has appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies, and been
translated into eight languages. He is the author of 43 books and chapbooks of
poetry and prose. His latest book DREAMS THAT WON'T LET ME ALONE is
available from Bottle of Smoke Press:
www.bospress.net. |
Andrei Smyslov |
images |
Andrei Smyslov is a retired
astrophysicist who resides in Russia. He has produced an extensive body
of art depicting batteries. Dr. Smylov's collection of battery art,
Rocket C-Cell, is currently on exhibit in
Quernertuarsuit, Greenland and some of those images are published in Issue
#2 of
Right Hand Pointing.
Laura Stamps |
poetry |
Laura Stamps is a poet and
novelist. Over five hundred of her poems, short stories, and poetry book
reviews have appeared in literary journals, magazines, anthologies, and
broadsides, including the Louisiana Review, Ibbetson Update, Big City Lit,
Poesy Magazine, American Writing, Fullosia Press, and Lummox Journal.
She is the author of more than twenty-five books of poetry and prose.
Dan Korgan |
fiction |
Dan Korgan lives in Portland, Oregon.
He enjoys hiking in the foothills of
the Cascade Range, bird watching and photographing rare plants. Currently,
he is working on a master's degree in feminist rhetoric at Portland State
University. |
Allan Peterson |
poetry |
Allan Peterson lives in Gulf
Breeze, Florida He the author of a book, Anonymous Or, and two chapbooks,
Stars On A Wire and Small Charities. His poems have appeared
or are forthcoming in The Gettysburg Review, Many Mountains Moving, West
Wind, Arts & Letters, Northwest Review, Jabbwerwock, Belleview Literary Review,
Agni, Blackbird, Drexel Online Journal, Stickman Review, The King's English,
Story South, Typo, Prairie Schooner, Beloit Poetry Journal, Mid America Review,
and Octopus. He was the 2002 winner of the Arts & Letters
Poetry Prize and has been the recipient of fellowships by the Florida Arts
Council and the NEA. |
David Deborde
poetry |
David Deborde has taught at West Virginia
State University and is currently teaching English at Greenup County High
School. His writings have appeared or are forthcoming in The Roanoke
Review, The Pacific Review, Et Cetera, Bathtub Gin, Harpur Palate, and
The Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature. He has a chapbook,
godspeople, coming soon.


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A Nocturnal Glider Production

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articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
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