David Deborde
Beauty is somewhere in the hoping,
when the night before the interview,
faithful hands together in prayer,
I practice the secret silent language of God
and imagine angels ferry my stammerings on high.
A saint once prayed in the dirt
of a Roman amphitheater while half a dozen lions circled
but refused to attack. The power
of speaking divinity’s dialect.
He just smiled and walked out.
I would be content with something smaller:
a tenure-track position at a small college,
or a transcript error granting me an A in American Lit
instead of a C. In a small room with three middle-aged professors,
the first lion asks me for a definition of beauty.
I just smile.

David Deborde has taught at West Virginia
State University and is currently teaching English at Greenup County High
School. His writings have appeared or are forthcoming in The Roanoke
Review, The Pacific Review, Et Cetera, Bathtub Gin, Harpur Palate, and
The Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature. He has a chapbook,
godspeople, coming soon.