r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g

short fiction  short poetry  short commentary  short..uh..art



Carolyn Adams


I could not give you
more of me,
unless I bled for you.
Would you drink me willingly,
as you drink my lip-wet kisses
or my musky cream?
Would my gift,
metallic, bright,
sweeten or ruin your taste?
Would you spit me out,
or savor me,
like dark, thick wine?

Shall I bleed for you,
right now?
Shall I slice a slender wrist
to bleed for you
a valentine
as red
and sweet
as any lace frivolity?





Table of Contents

Carolyn Adams' last good day was a Thursday.  Her poetry, fiction, art and photography have been published in Urban Spaghetti, Voices in Wartime, Unpleasant Event Schedule, and HazMat Review, among others.  She frequently wears red and her poetry has won awards in contests sponsored by Zuzu's Petals Quarterly and Bayousphere.  She co-edits and co-publishes Curbside Review and is Associate Editor of the Austin magazine Ardent. She thinks Boston cream cake should become a sovereign state A collection of her collages appeared in Issue 2 of Right Hand Pointing and a couple of her poems in Issue 4.




r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g 


All rights reserved. All poems, fiction, articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the expressed permission of the author or artist.