Our first contest is now concluded. The best piece in the first four
issues of Right Hand Pointing was judged to be Allan Peterson's
Allan wins the first-ever RHP contest
and the first-ever RHP T-shirt, which is going to look something like this
after I configure cafepress.com to make it.

Thanks to everyone who nominated poems. I
originally intended to have a vote but, hey, democracy is overrated, as the
good people of Iraq are about to discover, although, admittedly, there's a
really good chance it will be an improvement for them. Let's
hope. Their previous Great Leader seemed to have some control issues.
Anyway, we weren't exactly covered up with
nominations, so I went with the poem that was nominated twice out of about
five nominations.
Several authors have submitted for the print edition
and have asked me if I've accepted their work. The print edition is
still being planned, but I'm going to select the best writing from all the
web issues at a later date. Months from now. So, no need to make
separate submissions--just submit to the web version and you'll stand a
chance of getting in the print version.
I'm thinking of doing a theme issue. I've
ruled out "American Idol" but I'm still thinking about "Desperate
Housewives." Admit it, we could have some fun with the latter.
We (that would be I, actually, I'm using the
editorial we) continue to tweak the design with each issue. We're
adding a Contributors page. You'll see some other tweaks. The
Table of Contents page has those little marks (
which now, when clicked upon, will transport you to the corresponding piece
But, fear not, with all the tweaking, we will never
abandon The Orange. Not one but TWO authors have told me they
submitted because they thought the orange was groovy. There are only
two truly hip colors on the planet. Black and orange. Black is
kinda out. Some say that brown is the new black but we all know that
orange is the new black.
I hope you enjoy this issue. I've taken as
the title of the issue the title of a poem that's appearing in the issue,
John Grey's "Where Bats Fit Into the Relationship." I like that
Special thanks to Kat Lemmons for contributing the
lovely cover painting, as well as some fine poems. We'll be featuring
another of Kat's images on the cover of Issue 6.
This issue includes four poems by John Grey. I
recently read his book, What Else Is There (Main
Street Rag) and I'm happy to recommend it.
Speaking of Main Street Rag, thanks also to
M. Scott Douglass at Main Street Rag.
His emailed newsletter offers free ads to other literary magazines.
Our listing in Scott's newsletter really helped jumpstart RHP.
Darrell Grayson, whose poem "Glory
Wings" was also nominated for our prize, will have a chapbook coming out
from Mercy Seat Press. I know this to be true, because I am one of the
two owners of Mercy Seat Press.
I'm delighted to report that I already have a nice
clump of writings submitted for Issue 6. See you then.

Your Editor