photo from Brugge, Belgium by
Colin Goldie
Number 7
"Living Room"
Between my finger and my thumb the squat pen
rests. I'll dig with it.
~ Seamus Heaney
Meredith Whipple |
Meredith Whipple is an upstart twenty-three year-old
yuppie living in Boston's South End. Business consultant by day and superhero
by night, Meredith takes the time when changing from business casual into
spandex to pen poems such as those featured in Right Hand Pointing.
Meredith has unhealthy obsessions with grocery stores, Michigan, and Waffle House,
all of which she is now taking medication to treat. We fully expect her to up
and move to Singapore any day now. |
Rich Murphy |
Rich Murphy's
poems have appeared in such
journals as olling Stone, Poetry Magazine (where I was featured poet),
Grand Street, New Letters, Negative Capability, Confrontation Magazine, Slant
Journal, Barrelhouse Review, West 47 (Ireland), Aesthetica Review
(England), Alligator Juniper, New Delta Review, Full Circle Journal,
Fulcrum, Salamander, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review,
Entelechy: Mind and Culture,
Red China, and MiPoesias. You may also read, or listen to him read,
poems in the current issue of Inertia Magazine (www.inertiamagazine.com).
His essay “Vanishing Artist: American Poet and Differend” was published in
Fulcrum: An Annual of Poetry and Aesthetics and again in The
International Journal of the Humanities
Cleo Fellers
Kocol |
Cleo Kocol has been writing poetry for four years,
with work in California Quarterly, Poetry Depth Quarterly, Rattlesnake
Review, Blue Collar Review and other journals and publications. She had
award-winning poems in the California Federation of Chaparral Poets, the Ina
Coolbrith Annual Contest, and was Grand Prize winner in 2003 for the Dancing
Poetry Contest held by Arts Embassy International.
Ransdell |
Jeffrey Ransdell appeared in
Issue 6 of Right Hand
Pointing, and there's no bio there, either. |
Colin Goldie
Colin Goldie grew up in Watford, just North of London. In
addition to making fine photographs, makes fine
musical instruments and
is a musician. He lives in Germany. |
Rosanna Armendariz
Rosanna Armendariz is a recent graduate of the bilingual
MFA Program at the University of Texas at El Paso. She has publications and
upcoming publications in Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora,
Poetic Voices Without Borders (Gival Press 2005), Pindeldyboz,
Illyas's Honey, Convergence Journal, Barbaric Yawp, and
Zygote In My Coffee. Her chapbook, Brooklyn Smoker, is forthcoming
with BoneWorld Publications. She is at work on her first novel.
F. John Sharp |
F. John Sharp lives and works in
the Cleveland, Ohio area. His fiction has appeared in print in Peninsular,
Snow Monkey and online in The Paumanok Review, Flashquake,
Salt River Review, Prose Ax, and Pindeldyboz. His poetry
has appeared in In Posse Review and in an anthology by Regent Press.
He had a story in Issue #1
of Right Hand Pointing. |
Doug Draime
Doug Draime's most recent books:
Slaves of the Harvest (Indian Heritage Publishing, 2002), Unoccupied Zone
(Pitchfork Press, 2004), Spleen. an ebook, (Poetic Inhalation, 2004). He started
publishing in the small press and underground newspapers in 1969, and his work
continues to appear in publications worldwide. He lives in Oregon. This is
his third appearance in Right Hand Pointing, the others being
here, respectively. |
Amanda Laughtland
Amanda Laughtland lives in the suburbs of
Seattle, teaches English part-time at a community college and works part-time in
a public library. She has a poem in the current issue of QP: Queerpoetry. |
Mark Martin |
Mark Martin rides a bike, paddles a kayak,
repairs brain slicers, plays drums, and tries like hell to play guitar. Mark's
work can be seen in current and upcoming issues of Prose Toad.
Jennifer Hill-Kaucher |
Jennifer Hill-Kaucher’s second book of
poetry, Book of Days, was published by Foothills Press in 2005. Her
poetry has appeared in Lilies and Cannonballs Review, Curious Rooms
and Agnieszka's Dowry, and was recently included in the University of
Iowa Press anthology, A Fine Frenzy: Poets Respond to Shakespeare. A
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts roster poet, Jennifer conducts poetry
residencies throughout the state and recently in Ireland.
J. Andrew Morris |
J. Andrew Morris is a prophet of manna teaching at Catawba
College in Salisbury, North Carolina. When He is not teaching young capitalists
the tricks of the trade, he wonders how he might make a living writing poetry.
He has published poems in Foliate Oak, Thrift Poetic Arts Journal, Iodine
Poetry Journal and the Academy of Management Program Guide. He
recently published an academic article entitled, "Poetry and the Visual Arts as
a Means to Teach Emotional Intelligence". |
Dr. Bill Michaels |
Dr. Bill Michaels is a retired government
scientist who says his digitally processed images and collages "taste like
He at work on a navel. |
Matt Betts |
Matt Betts is a former reporter and news anchor from
Lima, Ohio. Although he has lived in most of the larger cities in Ohio, he
still draws on his small town upbringing as inspiration for his fiction and
poetry. He runs workshops around central Ohio and facilitates a highly
productive writing group called the Naked Wordshop. His poetry appeared, or
will appear, in Red River Review, elimae, Inkburns and minima. |
A. D. Winans |
A. D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet and
graduate of San Francisco State University. A member of PEN, his work has
appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies, and been
translated into eight languages. He is the author of 43 books and chapbooks
of poetry and prose. His latest book DREAMS THAT WON'T LET ME ALONE is
available from Bottle of Smoke Press:
Here's his previous work in Right Hand Pointing. |
Anna Lucas |
Anne Lucas lives in Madison, Indiana and is fairly new
at poetry and maybe that's why we liked her little poem anyway. She writes
to say she has no major published works. Until now. |

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A Nocturnal Glider Production
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articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
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