r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g

short fiction  short poetry  short commentary  short...uh..art



The Note

Dale, Editor, Right Hand Pointing


You'd be surprised how many people who submit to Right Hand Pointing say that it's because of the orange background.  Those that don't mention the orange as the main reason they submitted are, I think, lying. We all know orange is the new black.

The chapbook contest has been postponed due to the United States government's enforcement of certain provisions of the Patriot Act.  We will, God willing, be publishing two web-based chapbooks per year.  The first, Susan Case's lovely Hiking the Desert in High Heels is up and running.  These will be by-invitation only.

I've been playing around with the blogging thing. I've enjoyed it, but I don't know if I can ever come close to a daily entry.

Keep submitting, kids.  We love reading your work.


Your Editor


Table of Contents





r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g 


All rights reserved. All poems, fiction, articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the expressed permission of the author or artist.