Crystal was not in her element. Her element was sulphur. A
place for wallowing, a place for brains. His mouth fascinated her. It
was his smile, a wiry smile, as if he had to twist stuff around in his
head to see her. Nobody looked in her direction like that, with those
scintilla eyes. Her direction had always been east, but he seemed to see
her as someone who perpetually gazed south. It was charming. He was
charming her.
He saw a transparent, fever cheeked, east-facing girl, who was obviously
transitioning to south. The glitter in his eyes was enough to thwart the
urge for faking hay in his head; he needed a wreath, soon. She had given
him some of her glitter, how kind. Or did she suspect what was going on
in his brain and just feel sorry for him? He would tell her anyway,
later, maybe. Her place was no place for him, yet his element, arsenic,
was so close to hers on the periodic table that he felt connected in some
strange way to this baby faceted fledgling. He was becoming hazy and hot
with all this need and indecision, so he decided to destroy depart, and
sizzled back to his place for another beaker of malt liquor. The cute
squab next door was in oxygen and light as hair. She was just as close to
him on the periodic table and already facing south…an easy lay.