
C o n t r i b u t o r s
Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much.
Benson studied writing at a conservative liberal arts school
in Holland, Michigan. He currently lives in Saginaw, where he
writes, drives a junky van and advises woodworkers about the
differences between shellack and laquer, a subject he knows almost
nothing about. He is a
cofounding member of the Student Writers Series of the Alive and
Living Poets Society or SWS:ALPS, a multi-lingual, highly privatized
and auto-elitist literary group a la Bloomsbury.
F.J. Bergmann frequents Wisconsin and fibitz.com.
Her work has recently appeared in elimae, Farrago's Wainscot,
Opium, Otoliths, six little things, and in her third chapbook, Constellation
of the Dragonfly (Plan
B Press, 2008). One of her pseudopodia can reach all the way from
the bed to the refrigerator.
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal works
in the mental health field. He was born in Mexico. His recent
chapbook, Overcome, was
published by Kendra Steiner Editions. Overcome is
a collaborated chapbook with photographer, Cynthia Etheridge.
Mel Bosworth
lives and breathes in Western Massachusetts.
Eric Burke works as an IT manager in Columbus, Ohio. More of his
work can be found in elimae, Right
Hand Pointing, Alba, Spillway
Review, JMWW, Tipton
Poetry Journal, Otoliths,nibble, Haibun
Today and miller's
pond. Work is forthcoming in The
Driftwood Review.
J. Bradley is
based out of Orlando, FL. His work recently appeared in decomP,Dash
Literary Journal, Pure
Francis, and Poor
Mojo's Almanac(k). His first collection, Dodging
Traffic, comes
out this fall through Ampersand Books. Check
out J. Bradley's official blog, Failure Loves Company, at iheartfailure.wordpress.com.
Yael Degany, a native Israeli, has lived in the United States since
1999. She holds 2 B.A.s from Columbia University, one in Visual Arts
and one in Mathematics. Her works on paper, the majority of which
abstract, are created using oil-pastels, ink, watercolor, graphite,
and food color. She makes many of the works by directly responding
music. You can see more of her work at yaeldegany.com.
Winner of the 2009 Spire Press Prose Chapbook Contest for his
manuscript FABLES OF THE DECONSTRUCTION, Damian Dressick’s
stories have appeared in nearly forty literary journals, including
failbetter.com, New Delta Review, McSweeney’s
(online) and
Finishing a stint of teaching creative writing at Pennsylvania State
University, Damian starts the PhD program in creative writing at the
Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi this
fall. He can be found online at
Howie Good, a journalism professor at the State University
of New York at New Paltz, is the author of eight poetry
chapbooks. He has been nominated three times for a
Pushcart Prize and twice for the Best of the Net
anthology. His first full-length poetry book, LOVESICK,
is forthcoming from The Poetry Press. He is a regular
contributor to this website.
John Grey
is an Australian born poet, US resident since late seventies.
Works as
financial systems analyst. Recently published in Connecticut Review, Georgetown Review and REAL with work upcoming in Poetry
East, Cape Rock and the Pinch.
Kenneth P. Gurney lives
in Albuquerque, NM. To learn more about Kenneth, visit www.kpgurney.me
Greta Igl’s
short fiction has been published by an assortment of literary
magazines and anthologies, including
Every Day Fiction, Boston Literary Magazine,
Word Riot.
Her short story, “In Limbo” was nominated for the 2009
Million Writers award. She is currently at work on her novel,
Jamieson’s Folly.
J. Joseph Kane
is a writer, editor, and student living in Michigan. His work has
previously appeared in Central
Review, Elimae,
Helen Losse is the Poetry Editor of The
Dead Mule School of Southern Literature and
the author of Better With Friends,
published by Rank Stranger Press in 2009. Her
recent poetry
publications include The
Wild Goose Poetry Review, Shape of a Box, and Blue
Fifth Review. She
has two chapbooks, Gathering
the Broken Pieces and Paper
Snowflakes. Educated
at Missouri Southern State and Wake Forest Universities,
she lives in Winston-Salem,NC.
As long as she pays her dues,
Bellamy Lucas is an upstanding member of the
Kentucky State Poetry Society (KSPS) and Green River Writers, based
in Louisville, KY. Her poetry has been previously published in RHP
(issues #7, #10 and #14). More recently her work has appeared in
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, an online publication,
and The National Catholic Reporter. Just yesterday she received
notice that she's a finalist in the 2009 Joy Bale Boone Poetry
Contest, Elizabethtown Community College, KY (which means her name
is listed way down on the page, below the honorable mentions.)
Hosho McCreesh is currently writing & painting in the gypsum &
caliche badlands of New Mexico. Work appearing in both English & in
translation, in print, audio, & online, most recently CHIRON REVIEW,
NOUVEAUX DELITS (France), & ORANGE PULP (audio). Chapbooks available
from Bottle of Smoke Press & sunnyoutside. Work coming soon
from Hemispherical Press (~2008), OA Press (20 Jan 2009), &
Propaganda Press(2009).
Doug Mathewson
is an editor, writer of short fiction, and environmental artist. He
day dreams and time travels from his home in eastern Connecticut.
Most recently his work has appeared in
Full Of Crow, riverbabble, The Boston Literary Magazine,
Battered Suitcase.
See his on-going projects at www.little2say.org
Franta Moenck lives
and writes just east of St Paul, Minnesota. She enjoys small poems
and small natural wonders; five-lined skinks and ebony jewel-wing
damselflies. Her poems, large and small, have appeared in Three
Candles, The
Pedestal, and previously in Right
Hand Pointing, and in print journals, includingSnowy Egret, Cimarron
Review, Natural Bridge,
and forthcoming in Water~Stone
Jim Murdoch is a Scottish writer living just outside Glasgow. His
poetry appeared regularly in small press magazines during the
seventies and eighties. In the nineties he turned to prose-writing
and has completed four novels and a collection of short stories. His
second novel, Stranger than Fiction will
be published later this year. You can find out more about him on his
blog, The
Truth About Lies.
is a co-founder of the on-line magazine, "The Legendary." He is a
newsman, deckhand, farm hand, truck driver and Texan published in
Eclectica, Hackwriter, Fried Chicken and Coffee,
and numerous newspapers from California to Florida. Don't mess with
his food or his woman and keep him away from the firewater.
Gordon Purkis is
the publisher of Nefarious
Ballerina, and Mastodon
Dentist, two damn fine poetry sites on the world wide web. He
also paints, draws, plays the clarinet, bowls, and smokes
not-so-fine cigars.
Kimberly Ruth
is a recent graduate from SUNY New Paltz where she
received a BFA in photography and a BA in journalism. She plans to
attend graduate school in the fall, where she will work towards an
MFA degree in fine art. She has been published in a number of online
journals including Gloom Cupboard, Ditch Poetry, Bijou Poetry and
Shoots and Vines. You can view samples of her art work at kimberlyruth.blogspot.com.
Mather Schneider
is a cab driver in Tucson. His work has appeared in the small press
since 1995.
Janice D. Soderling's
fiction, poetry and translations appear regularly online and in
print. She won a 2006 Glimmer
Train Stories short
fiction competition (#64) and was a runner-up in a 2007 Emerging
Writer contest at
Our Stories, soon forthcoming in an anthology. Her
work is included in other anthologies in Swedish and English. Recent
publication includes a sonnet at 14
by 14, free verse at Umbrella, Shit
Creek Review, and Centrifugal
Eye, surrealist poetry at
ditch, translation at Frostwriting,
prose at Literary
Bohemian and Soundzine.
Janice hails from the United States, but lives in a small village in
Sweden where cheesemaking, ironworking, and a sawmill are the main
A.g. Synclair is a rather unprolific writer of
poetry, an occasional blogger, frequent writer of letters to the
editor, and road warrior in the Sales game in order to pay the
bills. His work has appeared in numerous
literary publications, anthologies, and 'zines. He drink's way too
much coffee, suffers from long bouts of writers block, and greatly
admires the work of Charles Bukowski and Billy Collins. He resides
in Western Massachusetts with his extremely patient wife and 4
brilliant children.
Rory Waterman
was born in Belfast in 1981 and, apart from a year in
Boston, MA and two in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, has lived most of
his life in various parts of England. He is currently studying for a
PhD. Poems have appeared or are scheduled to appear in Stand,
PN Review, Staple and Obsessed with Pipework. He is working towards
first collection.
Tim Scannell
has over 1,300 publishing credits
and lives
in the woods, hard against the boundary of
Olympic National Park, WA.
J. A. Tyler
is founding editor of mud luscious and the author of SOMEONE,
SOMEWHERE (ghost road press, 2009), IN LOVE WITH A GHOST (willows
wept press, 2010), and INCONCEIVABLE WILSON (vox press, 2010) as
well as the chapbooks OUR US & WE (greying ghost), ZOO: THE TROPIC
SWEATER (trainwreck press). Visit:
James Wilk is
a practicing physician in Denver, specializing in medical disorders
complicating pregnancy. His poems have recently appeared in The
Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine, The Salt Flats
Annual, The Raintown Review, Measure, The
Sow’s Ear Poetry Review and others. His 2007 chapbook, Shoulders,
Fibs and Lies, is available through Pudding House Press.
