r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g

short fiction  short poetry  short commentary  short..uh..art


  Not a Journal

Robert A. Neimeyer  



This is not a journal.
It is the stirrings of dialogue--
a call from afar on a sleepless night,
a seed to cultivate in the light of day,
when love can nourish the roots of a tender shoot
     and help it push through the darkness.

This is the residue of thought trying to find feeling, 
something vague and unactualized, seeking form.
It is an approximate need, not quite a yearning,
     leaning toward completion, in relation to you.




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r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g 


All rights reserved. All poems, fiction, articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the expressed permission of the author or artist.