r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g

short fiction  short poetry  short commentary  short...uh..art




Ok, this is a bit experimental for me.  Some people indicated they'd like to have a printable copy of RHP to carry around with them.  It's not a bad idea, really.  I take stuff to read with me to lunch all the time.  (No one wants to eat with me because of the sharp objects.)

So, I did a PDF file of Issue 7.  I didn't go nuts making some kind of booklet, it's just a simple thing you can print out that has two pages on each piece of paper.  You'll see.  Anyway, if this is of sufficient interest to people, do let me know by emailing me at dale@righthandpointing.com and I'll make it a practice to do this with other issues to come.

Here's the pdf file to download




Table of Contents
Main Page




r i g h t  h a n d  p o i n t i n g 


All rights reserved. All poems, fiction, articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international copyright law. Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the expressed permission of the author or artist.