found photo processed by Daniel N. Richter
Number 8 "Spew"
We are cups,
constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves
over and let the beautiful stuff out. Ray Bradury
Joseph R. Trombatore |
Joseph R. Trombatore's early
work appeared in Travois - (Anthology of Texas Poets) 1976, Sunsprout.
Recent works have been accepted in Lily Literary Review,
Curbside Review, & Pyramid. |
R.T. Castleberry |
R.T. Castleberry is an
editor, writer, wit, is co-editor of Curbside Review (www.curbsidereview.org).
His work has been published in Right Hand Pointing, Borderlands, Caveat Lector,
Pacific Review and many other magazines. |
John Grey |
John Grey
is an Australian born poet,
playwright, musician. His latest book is What Else Is There (Main
Street Rag). His work has recently appeared in Terminus, Eclipse,
and Hidden Oak. He is a regular contributor to Right Hand
Helen Losse |
Helen Losse is
a poet, free lance writer, and Poetry Co-Editor of The Dead Mule School of
Southern Literature. She has
recent poetry publications or acceptances in Mastodon Dentist, Subtle
Tea, Facets: A Literary Magazine, Tacenda, TimBookTu, Blink,
Domicile, Alba: A Journal of Short Poetry, The Pedestal Magazine, Sacramento
Poetry, Art, and Music, Spillway Review, Adagio Verse Quarterly, Poets Against
the War, Voices in Wartime, anthologies in the UK, and a
micro-chapbook, Absolution, in the POEMS-FOR-ALL Series from 24th
Street Irregular Press. Her chapbook, Gathering the Broken Pieces, is
available through FootHills Publishing. Her work has appeared previously in
Right Hand Pointing. |
Howie Good, a journalism professor at SUNY New Paltz,
is the author of the poetry chapbook, Death of the Frog
Prince (FootHills Publishing, 2004). His poems have appeared in numerous
journals and e-zines, including 2River View, Stirring, Lily, Plum Ruby
Review, Wilmington Blues, and Rose & Thorn.
Justin Allen
Justin Allen was born in
Bakersfield, California in 1979. After dropping out of high school, Allen
lived in various American towns holding down jobs as a janitor, dishwasher,
factory worker, grape picker, cook, telemarketer, and data entry clerk, among
other positions. He has been self-publishing ‘zines and chapbooks since 1999,
and has had writing published in a handful of other obscure spots in Xerox and
online. His writing appears regularly in the Sacramento News & Review. He
lives in Sacramento, and in addition to writing, creates video and sound art.
N. Tieman |
John N. Tieman was born on a farm in
Vermont. He touched electric fences like lovers, and talked to the animals.
Years later, h was in New Jersey. He grew up with an intense fondness for
drawing, painting, and music - to the point of being percieved as lazy or
care-free. He is returning to college this fall to pursue a teaching career and
so we wish him every success. |
Rebecca Goldthwaite |
Rebecca Goldthwaite lives in Albany, NY
and is currently finishing up an M.A. in Public Communications. She loves
writing in many genres, but her day job is as production editor with a
publishing company, producing books for other authors. This is her first
published creative work. "Brubby" is dedicated to her brother, who “will
always be special to [her], but for none of the reasons one might assume.” |
C L Bledsoe
CL Bledsoe is an editor for Ghoti
www.ghotimag.com He has work in Nimrod, Thunder Sandwich, Margie, Natural
Bridge, and Diner, among other places. |
Karen D. Mitchell
Karen D. Mitchell lives in Indianapolis,
Indiana. She is a wife, mother, cat lover, legal secretary, English major and
poet. Karen’s poetry has appeared in genesis, Jake Magazine and Open
Minds Quarterly. She is the author of one chapbook, Thanatology of Moths.
Sue Miller |
As a kid, Sue Miller spent a lot of time
reading by flashlight under the blankets. Now she wears glasses. Her work has
appeared/is forthcoming in Gin Bender Poetry Review, Green Tricycle, The
Harrow, Naked Ukulele, NFG, Prose Toad, Salome Magazine, Story Garden 5,
swankwrting.com's 83 Words, Tryst, VerbSap, and Whistling Shade.
She lives in Connecticut with 3 cats, 2 dogs, and an assortment of goldfish.
Sean Adams |
Sean Adams's poetry and prose have appeared
on his desk, his floor and many of the other surfaces in his home in Pine
Plains, New York or his dorm room at Bennington College, where he is currently
studying acting, creative writing, and happiness.
Daniel N. Richter |
Daniel N. Richter is a retired
Undersecretary of Agriculture currently residing alternately in Nova Scotia and
Malvern, Arkansas. He says
his art is produced during complex behavioral sequences he experiences during
sleep. He has recently been indicted for thought fraud. |

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A Nocturnal Glider Production
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articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
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