Number 6
"The Need For Carp"
Nancy Dymond |
poetry |
Nancy Dymond
studied accounting (a marketable skill) at Cedar Crest College. For the past two
years Nancy has been a participating poet in the “Literary Evening” series of
readings sponsored by the Wayne County Arts Alliance and other poetry events in
northeastern PA and the Upper Delaware area of New York. Nancy has recently been
invited to participate in the Northeast Photography Club’s Grant Project where
photographers are paired with writers in order to give new voices to each
other’s works. |
Helen Losse |
poetry |
Helen Losse
is a poet, free lance writer, and Poetry Co-Editor of The Dead Mule
School of Southern Literature. She has
recent poetry publications or acceptances in Mastodon
Dentist, Subtle Tea, Facets: A Literary Magazine, Tacenda,
TimBookTu, Blink, Domicile, Alba: A Journal of Short Poetry, The Pedestal
Magazine, Sacramento Poetry, Art, and Music, Spillway Review, Adagio Verse
Quarterly, Poets Against the War, Voices in Wartime, anthologies in
the UK, and a micro-chapbook, Absolution, in the POEMS-FOR-ALL
Series from 24th Street Irregular Press. Her chapbook, Gathering the
Broken Pieces, is available through FootHills Publishing. She also
writes book reviews for the Winston-Salem Journal. Her work
has appeared previously in Right
Hand Pointing.
Ransdell |
poetry |
Susan H. Case
poetry |
Susan H.
Case is a college professor in
New York City. Recent work can be found in or is forthcoming in:
Animus, Eclipse, 88: A Journal of
Contemporary American Poetry, Floating Holiday, Freshwater,
Georgetown Review, Into the Teeth of
the Wind, Karamu, Mad Poets Review, Slant, Stray Dog, Tar Wolf Review and
The GW Review, among others,
including the anthologies Yowl
and Poems for the Mountains.
She is the author of The Scottish Café
(Slapering Hol Press, 2002), which is currently being translated into
Ukrainian and selections from which have been translated into Polish. Find out
more about her at
http://iris.nyit.edu/~sgray/ |
Paul D. McGlynn
poetry |
Paul D. McGlynn is a retired professor of
English and creative writing who has had poems accepted by 210 journals in the
U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia, including The Ledge, Bogg, The Wallace
Stevens Journal, Chiron Review, Poetry Motel, Clark Street Review, Sepia,
Freexpression, and The Brobdingnagian Times. His chapbook, Magical
Regression, was published by AlphaBeat Press. He has had three poems
nominated for the Pushcart Prize. |
Laurence Loeb |
poetry |
Darrell B. Grayson |
poetry |
Darrell B. Grayson
is chairman of
Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty,
an organization founded and operated by Death Row inmates. He resides on Death
Row in Holman Prison, Atmore, Alabama. He edits and publishes Wings of Hope,
the Project Hope newsletter, with primitive equipment in the prison. Darrell
Grayson’s poetry which he defines as "a contagion of insecurities,” has appeared
or is forthcoming in Axis of Logic, Right Hand Pointing, Wings of Hope,
Birmingham Arts Journal and elsewhere. His collection of poems,
Against Time, will be published this year by
Mercy Seat
Press. |
Jeff Walker |
poetry |
Jeff Walker
is a video artist living in Kampala, Uganda. He has been awarded artist
residencies to Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Hambidge Center for
Creative Arts and Sciences, Blue Mountain Center, and Yaddo, and his video work
has shown at the London Festival of Moving Images, the European Media Art
Festival in Osnabrück, Germany, the Fringe Film and Video Festival in Edinburgh,
Mediopolis/VideoFest Berlin, and the Dallas Museum of Art, among others. |
John Grey |
poetry |
John Grey
is an Australian born poet,
playwright, musician. His latest book is What Else Is There (Main
Street Rag). His work has recently appeared in Terminus, Eclipse, and
Hidden Oak. This is his third appearance in Right Hand Pointing.
Stephanie Zultanky |
poetry |
Stephanie Zultanky is just
about finished with her master's in writing and her thesis--a poetry chapbook.
The last six years have been spent on two degrees from Rowan University. She
works as an assistant editor at a medical publishing company, and although she
lives in south Jersey now, home will always be in north Jersey where people say
"cawfee." This is her first published creative work. |
Robert A. Neimeyer |
poetry |
Robert A. Neimeyer is a
Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis. He uses the arts
in his workshops for helping professionals, and has published 20 books,
including a forthcoming poetry chapbook with Finishing Line Press, entitled
I Sing to the Earth. Neimeyer edits the professional journal
Death Studies, and has been recognized by the American
Psychological Association, the Association for Death Education and
Counseling, and the University of Memphis for his contributions to
psychological research, teaching and practice. |
J. Bergmann |
poetry |
F. J. Bergmann's poems
have appeared in the Beloit PoetryJournal, Blue Fifth Review,
getunderground.com, Margie, the North
American Review, RealPoetik, Tattoo Highway, Wind, and on
asininepoetry.com as Easter Cathay. In 2003, he received the Mary
Roberts Rinehart National Poetry Award and his manuscript Sauce
Robert was a co-winner in the Pavement Saw chapbook competition.
In 2004, he won the Pauline Ellis Prose Poetry Prize. One of his pseudopodia
can reach all the way from the bed to the refrigerator. |
Kat Lemmons |
cover art |
Kat Lemmons lives in
Northern California and is currently working toward a B.S. in Geology. She
loves to write, paint, play music, collect rocks, and laugh a lot. Her
digital painting is on the cover of this issue, and Issue 5. See more at
www.katalyst-for-kathexis.com |

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A Nocturnal Glider Production
All rights reserved. All poems, fiction,
articles, essays, and artwork are the property of the authors and artists
within, and as such, are protected by applicable U.S. and international
copyright law.Copying or reprinting in any form is prohibited without the
expressed permission of the author or artist.